
Welcome to Module One:

Sing & Release

Sing & Release

Module 1

Fear is your friend...

Fear shows you where more love is needed for yourself.

Fear shows you where you can grow and expand.

Fear is a friend that reminds you of the possibility to become more free. To show yourself more. To grow into more of your true essence. To expand into more than what you have known so far.

Shadows and darkness have been vilified. We have forgotten that in the darkness of the womb is where new life is created.

We have forgotten that darkness is always waiting with a gift for us, if we are willing to journey within and surrender to the alchemical process.


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Video 1:

My Introduction

My story and the journey with my voice.


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Video 2:

Intention Setting

Opening the space with sharing my intention and inviting you to set your own intentions for this course. 

Please keep your journal ready.

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Video 3:

Why your voice is blocked

How does trauma work? Where do blockages in your voice come from and how can we work with these wounds?

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Video 4:

Voice Check-in

Before we get into the meaty parts, let’s start with a check-in. Taking the first step to connect with your voice and visiting the relationship you have with her

Journal exercise:

Stream Consciousness writing

Stream consciousness writing is a practice to access our subconscious mind and to access the hidden messages that it holds.

This exercise will help you to dive into the deeper layers of the relationship to your voice and find out more about your limiting beliefs and blockages in you. 

If you would like, you can use your non-dominant hand for writing, as that hand is connected to your subconscious mind and makes it easier to get your conscious mind and ego out of the way of accessing deeper layers within your psyche.

You know the drill – before your start, set the space, ground and take some deep breaths. 

Then read one prompt at a time and sit with it for a moment before you begin writing. Then let the words just flow onto your paper without any judgement. 

What are my voice’s needs, what does she wish from me?

Ask your voice: What can I do to deepen our relationship?

If your voice would write you a letter, what would she say to you?

What beliefs do I hold around my voice and expression?

In what situation(s) did these beliefs first occur?

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Video 5 (Bonus Meditation):

Shadow work

In this  meditation we will dive into the the fear of being seen. As our wounds are rooted in our childhood, we will take a journey into the depth of our  subconscious, to bring our dark parts back into light, into consciousness.

Before you start the meditation, set an undisturbed, cleansed space. To dive extra deep, please lay down with blindfold and headphones.

If you enjoyed the music: This is my interpretation of the om namah shivaya mantra. It means bowing down to Shiva and as Shiva resides within all consciousness, it means bowing down to your own self.


Video 6:

Somatic release &
Voice Activation

The word somatic comes from the greek word ‘soma’, meaning ‘body’. 

In this practice we will be using our body & voice to train our nervous system to hold and feel fear. 

As we will train our nervous system to hold fear, we will also create the capacity for our body to hold the opposite emotion: confidence and self-trust.

By bringing those two opposite sides of the same coin closer together, we can integrate both into our system, allowing us to feel AND expand.

Feel free to use this music to repeat this practice on your own: 

Reservoir & Force by Yaima (Accoustic Version)

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Video 7:

Embodying Power

Tap into your primal power and teach your body how to hold and express your innate strength into the world, so you can show up more rooted in yourself.

Feel free to use the music to repeat this practice on your own:

  • Ivan’s Revenge by Dunheim
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Video 8:

A little message...

Sharing a bit about my own processes in the making of this course from my heart to yours.

Time for Reflection...

Whohoo! You made it to the end of the first module!

Thank you so much for joining me so far and thank you for diving into your shadows.

Now it’s time for a little reflection! Grab your journal and answer these prompts:

How has the relationship to my voice changed after this module?

What will I change in my life, to honor my voice?

Has my overall relationship to myself changed?

You have questions?

Get in Touch

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