
About Yula

From a tiny Village to the world.

I grew up in a tiny village in Germany and had my second home in the nearby forest. I can’t even remember when I started singing but there is a Video of me when I was 4  years old, wholeheartedly belting the song from Titanic (making words up, as I didn’t speak english). 

 I remember locking myself in my dads office for hours to sing by myself. My voice was always there for me. She was my greatest valve for my emotions and gave me grounding in a chaotic household.

When I was 14, I had my first stage experience. It was scary but amazing.

Little did I know that well over 80 performances on stage would follow after that. 

I worked with a producer in Germany, was touring with a band through Germany… until the life on stage didn’t fulfill me anymore. 


Rediscovering my voice...

Two peak moments were to perform for the German Embassy in Bahrain and a huge Festival in Germany, primetime in front of 5000 people. It was absolutely incredible. 

But…I had to realize that this “performing” and entertaining didn’t work for me anymore. My spiritual awakening started during that time too and I stopped singing and performing.

Then, during my healing journey and self-discovery, I reconnected with my voice in a complete new way. An intuitive way. A way that was deep and meaningful. A way that finally aligned with my soul.

At the same time I became a certified Meditation Teacher & EFT Practitioner and started to facilitate workshops in Guatemala, Germany, Belgium, Netherland and Portugal.

And from there many beautiful opportunities started to show up and I shared my voice from a deeper and deeper place. 

And today? Today I support women on their healing journey with shadow work and support them to find their unqiue connection between their voice and womb, facilitate workshops at retreats and festivals and I share my voice in many places around the world, feeling so so grateful and finally fulfilled to be able to create deep, transformational journeys for souls on their path.


Featured In...



Solictice Festival @EAGLES NEST, GUATEMALA

Soundjourney Vol. 1 & 2 @LUSH ATITLAN, GUATEMALA


Cosmic Convergence @FESTIVAL, GUATEMALA


Ecstatic dance festival holland

Ecstatic Dance, Belgium

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