
Welcome to Module six:

your inner artist

Your inner artist

Module 6

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Video 1:

Explore and Play

Our inner artist is our inner child! She likes to play and explore and wants to create because she LOVES it, not because she is focused on a particular outcome. Let’s channel our inner child and explore!

NUrture your inner child.

As we have already established, your inner artist is your inner child. 

So if you want to dive deeper into your creativity, nurturing your inner child is crucial!


So take your journal and make notes to the following prompts:

What 5 things did I love doing as a child?

What brings me the most joy/excitement today?

How can I bring more of the things I loved doing as a child into my life today?



Commit for the next 5 days to do one of the things you loved doing as a child each day!

This will make your inner child (and of course yourself) happy and open you up to more creativity!

Also! Choose a photo of you as a child and place it on your altar, so you are reminded daily to tend to her. 

Ask yourself regularly: What can I do today to let her play?


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Video 2:

Nurture your inner artist

Take your inner artist on a date and explore new things together to unleash your creative flow!


Clear your Channel

Our brain has a left and right side. The left side of our brain is our logical and analytical mind. 

The right side of our brain is the creative side. This part is stimulated by images, beauty, sensations, new experiences, etc. 

If you find yourself blocked creatively in singing or in general, it can be very helpful to get the logical brain out of the way before starting any creative endeavour.

To do this, I invite you to write down two pages before you get creative. Write two pages full of ANYTHING that comes to your mind. There is no right or wrong here, it is simply for the sake of getting energy out of your mind to create space for new energy to flow in. 

Don’t judge what you write down. 

Make it messy, make it however you feel like in the moment. It can be funny, super random, boring, maybe even angry! There is no goal for this practice other than logical brain dump 😉 

You might be surprised what you write down and you might not be. It doesn’t matter!

If you don’t know what to write, write down that you don’t know what to write. Just fill the two pages.

Drop ANY expectation and release so your creative mind has space to enjoy and have fun. 

Do this every morning and/or before you start singing. 

After doing this practice notice how you feel and how your creative flow changes.


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Video 3:

Thank you!

A heartfelt goodbye and last check-in with your voice. 

Your feedback

I would love to hear about you experience! 

Please take a few minutes to fill out the form below.  I would like to ask you some simple questions about your experience of this course. This will help me grow on my own journey and to create better experiences for future participants!

Your voice counts! Thank you!


From Here...

Below you will find the recordings of the instruments again, that you can use as a background for  your own singing practice.

You will also find my own music, my youtube channel and instagram, if you would like to stay in touch and up to date!


You have questions?

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