
Welcome to Module Five:

Intuitive Singing

Intuitive singing

Module 5

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Video 1:

Listen to your inner voice

Your intuition is an important key when singing. This little voice that guides you into a beautiful flow of sensations and melodies. Here is a practice that helps you connect and open up to receive your inner voice.


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Video 2:

Inner Critic

Working with the inner critic is crucial to free your voice and clearing your channel, for all the beautiful melodies to come through you. In this video we will dive into how you can loosen the grip that the inner critic holds over you when singing and in general life.


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Video 3:

Singing with the inner critic

A guided singing practice to become aware of the inner critic and to come back to the presence with your voice and your natural flow.

Listen to your own voice

Again, I know this is not an easy one for many but that makes it so important!

Listen to the recording of your voice again and after working with the inner critic, try now to listen to your voice in presence AND with acceptance. If you can, even with a lot of love and appreciation for your unique frequency. 

Try to step away from labels like “good” or “bad” and start to practice appreciating her for exactly what she is in this very moment. 

Repeating this practice, will help you immensly to accept your voice AND yourself and will also help you identify growth and opening in your voice, when recording your voice again after some weeks of regular practice.

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Video 4:

Channeling Energies

A guided singing practice to let different energies flow through your voice.

For your singing practice

Here are recordings of different Instruments that you can use for your singing practice in case you have no access to instruments. 

Feel free to download the recordings and use them to let your beautiful voice flow.


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