
Welcome to Module THREE:

Ancestral Trauma

Ancestral Healing

Module 3

We have lost our voices...

…and forgotten our power.

But there was a time when we knew.

A time where we honored our menstrual cycle, our rhythms,

a time where our cycle was a way of experiencing the light, the dark and the seasons of mumma earth.

A time when we knew that we are a direct reflection of nature.

A time when we were oracles.

When we knew that the space between our legs is a powerful portal and a direct connection to source.

A time when we trusted our wisdom, our power and our bodies,

a time when we were heard and valued as the magical beings that we are.

Now it is time to remember.

It is time to reclaim our voices and the voices of our ancestors.


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Video 1:

Ancestral Trauma & The Witch Hunts

One major reason why we have lost our voices and forgotten our power and magic as women, are the witch hunts that occured in Europe between the 13th and 19th century. A massive generational trauma that affects our whole society still today.


create and altar:

honor your ancestors

Create an altar for your female ancestors. Print out photos you can find from your maternal lineage and place them either on your already existing altar or create a new one that is only dedicated to SHE, the divine feminine energy. 

When it comes to building an altar, there are many ways of doing so however, I invite you to follow your intuition. INTENTION is key here. 

Walk through the forest or nature and collect any items that catch your attention or represent feminine energy for YOU. Ask nature for permission to take these items with you to place on your altar and give thanks to her.

Cleanse your room and yourself before you start creating your altar and if you would like you can find items that also represent the elements: fire, air, earth and water. You can also add the  fifth element: ether/spirit)

Air can be represented by feathers

earth by crystals/rocks/wood/dried plants/nuts

water by essential oils, a glass of water, shells from the ocean

fire by a candle

Before you place each item on your altar, call in your ancestors to support the space. 

Then set an intention for each item and give thanks to it and the element it is connected to.

Use your altar as a sacred space to meditate, connect to your womb, sing and receive messages from your ancestors.

Write them letters, connect with them, sing with and for them, manifest, go with your intuition!


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Video 2:

Let them sing

Let you ancestors express all they couldn’t through your voice. Express the womb-deep pain and suppression that your ancestors went through and give them their voices back through you.


Journal Exercise:

Ancestral patterns

The deep wounds that have been created by the witch hunts and patriarchy are still alive within us. 

The have been passed down to us from generation to generation, from womb to womb. 

In this exercise we will revisit patterns in our maternal lineage and their relationship to their voice. 

Have your journal ready, sit in front of your altar, take deep breaths and prepare for some truths to come up.


Answer these following prompts:

1. What are the patterns when it comes to the voice/expression in your maternal lineage? 

(How did your mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother express themselves? Where they able to speak their truths and needs in their life and relationships? Where they suppressed? What are the patterns here?)

2. How are you repeating these patterns in your own life?


FireBowl Ritual

Firebowl rituals are a beautiful way of releasing old energy and calling in the new. 

For this you will need a firesafe bowl, a small pieces of paper and a bigger one (or your journal), a pen and a candle.

Sit in front of your altar and cleanse the space and yourself. Take some deep breaths, ground yourself and call in your ancestors to support you in this ritual. 

Then light the candle when you are ready. 

Remember the last exercise and think about the patterns that have been passed on in your maternal lineage. 

Fire is a transformational element that helps us to burn down old energies and anything that holds us back. 

Take the small piece of paper and write down the patterns  you are letting go of in your name and the name of your ancestors. 

Fold the piece of paper away from you three times, counterclockwise, directing the energy away from you. 

Then take a moment to feel into what you have written down. Call on your ancestors to hold the space. 

Then take the folded piece of paper into your hands and blow on it three times. While you are blowing on it, imagine how all the energy, you want to release, flows through your breath into the paper.

Then when you are ready, burn the paper with the flame of the candle and put it into the firebowl, watching how the fire slowly burns the paper and the energy you put into it, down.

Give thanks to the fire and your ancestors. 

Then take the bigger paper and write a reclamation letter: 

Take back your power by reclaiming your voice in your name and the name of your ancestors.

Keep this paper with you or place it on your altar. 

Then, when you feel ready, give thanks again and blow out the candle!


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Video 3:

Releasing from your womb

Womb Consciousness Writing

To better understand your wounds and blockages, it is helpful to include the ancestors of your maternal lineage.

The suppression and pain they have experienced was passed down from generation to generation and is still living on inside of you. 

For this practice, have your journal ready, sit in front of your altar and close your eyes.

Take womb-deep breaths and invite one of your ancestors from your maternal lineage to present themselves to you. 

Don’t think about who you call in, let her come to you – you might not know her yet. Trust, that whoever appears, will have an important message for you.

Then look at her: 

What does she look like? What does she wear? What time is she from? Ask her for her name.

Ask her what she has experienced in her life regarding her expression and voice. Did she experience any fears/punishment, for showing herself? Ask for a message and/or a gift she has for you right now and write her answer down.

Let her consciousness flow through you onto the paper and listen to the messages she has for you.

Then meditate and reflect on the message she has given you to deeper understand yourself and you lineage.


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Video 4:

From Womb to Womb

For this one… just relax and receive. 

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