
Welcome to Module Two:

voice & Womb Connection

Voice & Womb Connection

Module 2

Your womb is the source of your magic...

You came here to birth, create, receive, give, love. 

Whispers of your womb that echo in your heart. You know it.

But how overcome the fears? The limitations that are not fully torn down yet?

Come back to the great mother. Let her hold you in her darkness. Let her transform you with her love. Let her love become your strongest ally.

It is okay to not know what to do. It is okay to not have it all figured out. 

In moments of doubt place a hand on your womb, one on your heart and remember the greatness that lives within you.

You are perfect in your imperfections. You are a wisdom keeper. You carry a portal to other realms and infinite knowledge in your womb. 

When you become still and listen…

You will find all answers within,

inside your womb.


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Video 1:

Womb & Voice

Let’s discover how your voice and womb are physically and energetically connected and how you can humm for your womb to calm down your nervous system.


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Video 2:

Womb Check-In

Let’s check in with our womb. In this video we will go through a meditation to see where your womb is at, what she needs and how you can access her wisdom.

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Video 3:

Womb RooM

In a guided meditation we will cleanse your womb room to  release any unwanted energy. She is a sacred space and needs some cleansing from time to time, so she can be healthy and thriving!

Journal exercise:

Womb Consciousness writing:

If you want to connect deeper to your feminine wisdom and access your powers as a woman, it is inevitable to start connecting to your magic portal: Your womb. 

Your womb is ALWAYS with you, waiting for you to connect to her, so you can receive the messages she has for you. 

In this exercise I invite you to let your womb write a letter to you. 

What does she have to say? What does she need to express? What are her needs and desires?

You know the drill: Set up a cozy and safe space, take some womb-deep breaths, connect to her consciousness and then let her write to you. You might be surprised what will come up. 

Doing this practice regularly helps you to maintain the relationship between you and helps you to receive guidance in ANY area of your life. She is an oracle that is always there for you to connect to her. An oracle that can make your life SO much deeper and easier.

She always knows what to do, what not to do and when to just be.

Every day, place a hand on her, send her some love and let her guide you. 

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Video 4:

Sing with your womb

Let your voice flow with the beautiful energies your womb has to express and use your voice as a healing tool.


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Video 5:

Embody Self-Love

A practice that I regularly immerse myself into is a self-love dance in a mirror. Connecting to the different energies within you and giving space to express your voice with a sense of play!

Let Your womb guide your day

Now that you have gotten to know you womb deeper, I invite you to let her guide a full day in your life. 

Set a day where you are mostly free from any distractions and start your day by connecting to her. 

Ask her how she is doing and what she needs from you today. Then write down what she says. 

Each time you have to make a decision that day, take a breath into your womb and let her decide. 

Let her decide what to eat, what to drink, what to do. 

Make this whole day only about YOU and fully surrender to her divine flow for the whole day. 

At the end of the day reflect on your experience in your journal: 

How did this day make you feel?

What felt different from ‘normal’ days?

What keeps me from connecting to my womb regularly?

How can I honor my womb more often?


You have questions?

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